Welcome to the CREATRIX the home of soulful selling.
I know you are so ready to get your soulful services out into the world, but you have been told that sales are sleazy, and you have been holding yourself back in fear of what people will think.
I have a solution.
Selling doesn't have to be sleazy, it's actually an opportunity but it depends on how it's delivered.
There are cowboys that have spoiled it for a few but you my darling are going to be the one who changes that!
In the blink of an eye, everything can change.
You have the illusion that you are in control,
But the truth is you never know what will happen from moment to moment.
The only thing you can control is… how you BE.
The self-study training will teach you the proven art and science of selling in an aligned way, with no ick or manipulation required.
Over the 60-minute training, I am going to teach you the framework you need when you are speaking to your dream boat client that has taken my business to five-figure months & tracking my first six-figure year.
The phycology for soul-aligned sales that you can apply to any business model.
No more posting and preying methods, just clarity and a smooth operation.
The opportunity to get questions answered with a 15-minute call.
I know you want to make an impact.
I know you are soul led creatrix wanting to bring your vision to fruition,
BUT you’re stuck.
You have lots of ideas, you are brimming with creativity, and you can visualise yourself surrounded by the people you want to help but when it comes to your price points and asking for money you are either giving too much or don’t ask for the business, letting that dreamy client slip through your fingers.
Birthing new ideas is easy for you, but the thought of selling it makes your energy drop and your dreamy clients can feel it consciously or unconsciously. You are left in the friend zone, which is nice but it's not paying your bills and you feel deflated.
You have mastered your gifts, taken the training, you are qualified as a service provider and now you are ready to sell with ease and flow.
You are ready to make an impact but when it comes to selling your service you are stuck, the reason you have the ick is that you haven't learned the psychology of selling ‘YET.’
Up to now, you have considered selling as something that you have to showcase how amazing your service is, but it’s less about you and more about them.
Imagine this… You are on your next call and instead of thinking about what you need to say next, you are listening to them and what they need to see if is a good energy exchange on both sides, they have the same values, and they are aligned. You don't have to prove anything or convince them because you know what you offer provides them with a solution they need.
You are coming from your heart and you know that what you offer will help. You place the boundaries you need too and asking for the money feels good because you know that they will get everything they need.
This is what I will be teaching you in this sixty-minute masterclass tapping into your queen energy because right now part of your inner child is calling the shots comparing, projecting, and overgiving. Leaving you feeling stressed, stuck, and skint.
Find out the reason you are stuck and what you can do to overcome it
GET ACCESS NOWWant to learn how to create sales for your soul aligned business without feeling manipulative or using patriarchal sale tactics?
This is for you if;
You are already promoting your services; you are calling in consultations resulting in ghosting or people that don't want to commit to working together.
You are having conversations with people but when it comes to asking for the money exchange you freeze, put it off or find yourself giving discounts before you ask your rate.
Or you are booking the odd session here and there. Your business feels more like a hobby than your career and you feel stressed out financially.
You desire to call in self-led dreamboat clients, ready to pay in full, ready to invest and rave about you to their friends.
What you are no longer available for is:
Giving your expertise and knowledge without boundaries on the exchange money & time!
About your workshop facilitator
Laura Beddoe
Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Keynote Speaker, Podcast Producer & Ted X Speaker.
Why listen to me? 'I am passionate in helping women thrive in all areas of thier lives. You were born with a purpose and that is the reason you started your soul aligned business to serve others with your gifts.
I have 25 years experience in a sales background. Training consultative sales for six years, freelancing in gyms to increase profit margins and get more visible online.
I've pushed paper and been on the ground when it comes to sales, I know what makes people buy and mixed with embodiment and energetics it is a formula that is proven to work, taking your business from armature to thriving.
I can see you and your brand from a 5D view and what you are capable of, I love seeing someone fully 'own it' fully seen in doing what they love'
Yes the money is incredible and that comes from fully stepping into your power but what means more to me is hearing a client say; 'you changed my life, I'm a better person because of you.'
Or' I signed my first paying client and it was easy.'
Or 'You unlocked the way I do business its so easy now!'