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Winter Solstice, 5 things that are holding you back & journal prompts to support you this season

burning of the clocks crone journal prompts limiting belifs spiritual coach winter solstice Dec 21, 2022

Happy Winter Solstice, Meaning 'standstill of the sun', Solstice is the perfect time to look back and reflect on the year gone by as we sit in the 'in between'. 


I am so pleased that myself and my fiance can continue our tradition of going to ‘The burning of the Clocks’ ceremony on Brighton beach, this evening.


I’ve really missed it the past few years with it being canceled due to the pandemic. Burning of the clocks is a ceremony held on the shortest day (longest night) of the year, this growing tradition marks the passing of time by 'burning the clocks' and welcoming in the new sun.


At this time your inner Winter, The crone archetype (something we learn inside 'The Wild Woman Inner Tribe') is calling you to go within to look at the darkness, your shadows. This sounds scary, but the parts you keep suppressing are just parts of you that need to be understood, to be loved unconditionally, to be freed from fear.  


Your inner crone aka Intuition knows what needs to be released.


Where is your personal life or business do you keep repeating the same patterns? 


Do you keep talking yourself out of going to the gym, meditating, leaving a relationship, investing in smashing through your limiting beliefs, or starting that new project? 


If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above ask yourself what are you afraid of? 


It usually boils down to a few things: 


  1. Procrastination is usually linked with fear of failure or success.
  2. Money blocks are linked with not having enough.
  3. No time (FYI how much time do spend watching Netflix or scrolling on social media?)
  4. Self Sabotage (The little sabbatour voice talking you out of it) 
  5. Fear of the unknown (Hint we never know what the future holds. EVER.)


It is up to you to take action so that you can kick your fears arse! Evolve into the badass you know you can be! 


I know that you’ve got this…


I also wanted to give you a few reflection journal prompts which will support you to step into 2023 and beyond in your power. 


Over the next few days, take some time away from the Christmas craziness to pause, reset, and be with your thoughts as we approach a new year! 


📝 List any accomplishments – big or small - that seemed unachievable to your 2021 self. Remember to pause and applaud yourself for these personal wins.

📝Ask yourself, what would you like to leave in 2022? Reflect on the aspects of your life that are no longer serving you.

📝List the habits you introduced in 2022 that have brought meaning and joy into your life. Think of ways you can bring these into the New Year.

📝What new habits would you like to form in 2023 that will benefit you and the goals you want to achieve?

📝Ask yourself, what three words would best describe your 2022 journey? Then look ahead and write down three words to reflect your intentions for the New Year.


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, if you are called to work on your blocks and you would like to explore your inner archetypes and reconnect with your dharma we have an offer on the membership until 9th January reduced to £88 from £111 and a 7-day trial for you to meet your community  & experience a group call before deciding if you want to go 'all in'


What to expect from 'The Wild Woman Inner Tribe'

The video from above was from our session looking at The Witch Wound and how women in awakening to their spiritual gifts are afraid trapped with blocks from ancestors or parts of their soul trapped in a previous life where witches were hunted and killed. 

Before Joining: Longing for spiritual growth -> Now: Feeling held in a space where I can be supported with my manifestations & share all my thoughts without judgment.

Before joining: Having an awareness of LOA but not understanding how to implement it -> Now: Learning how to surrender & call in what they want, feeling deeply held.

Before: Feeling stressed out and burnt out giving to everyone but myself -> Now: Learning to track my cycle & trust my own inner divine feminine flow.

Sign up for your 7-day trail and lock in your membership at £88 per month HERE

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