F* New year new me..
Dec 31, 2022
F* New year, new me... Instead, try on for size; New Year, Same me without the limiting beliefs that hold me, hostage.
Gorgeous one who is reading this blog; if you are anything like me you have taken a slice of time over this in-between bit between Christmas and new year; to reflect if you haven't this is a prompt to block out an hour to overview your year.
If it’s been amazing, terrible, or anything in-between. Just a slice of time to overview what went brilliantly well, and what you learned & what you’re taking with you into the new year, and what can be left in 2022.
I don't set resolutions, instead, I think about how I want to FEEL in the up and coming year because that to me is how I get into alignment with what I want. How the universe & manifestation work is, it delivers what you believe to be true, and on a scientific level, your brain matches with what it believes. So whether you believe i.e you are a loveable, abundant, boss babe or not is what is showing up for you.
Every year I write myself a letter which I open on NYD, I can't wait to read mine on the 1st of January. I also choose a word to embody. This year 2022 was ‘EASE.’
Which started with simplifying all of my processes, slowing down, trusting the process, and hiring a team to help me build firm foundations for the business structure giving my existing clients an enjoyable and easy experience.
This stemmed from burning out in November of last year juggling my 18-month-old at the time, managing my social media, PR, admin, existing clients, podcast, home, and pets, and making time for my fiance, family, and friends, and general well-being. Something had to give to help me to create the freedom I longed for and the security of financial abundance too.
I knew it was possible which is why I never gave up, even on the hard days, running my own business in its first two years. (I’ve been in business for six years, I went full-time after my daughter was born which is when I promised myself I would never work for anyone else again!) had really challenging months. There have been several times I’ve wanted to give up, looked for a job, and cried into my fiance's lap! This is very normal and why it is so important to invest in someone who has been where you want to go and pull your seat up at tables with people that get it! In June this year, everything just clicked and I made 5k then 10k working with the most incredible women you can ever imagine.
For 2023 I am focusing on ‘EVOLVING’ my business now I have laid down those strong foundations and have finally moved out of my own way with feeling like an imposter as a business coach. Using my 20+ years in sales and marketing to good use to help women to create a life and business from their ‘dharma’ with their passion for a freedom lifestyle and financial abundance.
In my community membership The Wild Woman Inner Tribe we have created vision boards and I led them in embodying the woman they see themselves in 2023.
If you want to create a vision board for your new year here are some prompts to help you:
Who do you want to become?
What impact do you want to create?
What needs to stay behind in 2022?
Career Goals
Health & Self Care
Love & Relationships
Feel inspired?
You are invited to join my FREE community Soul Awakened Visionaries & Leaders: HERE
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