What is a cacao heart opening ceremony?
Mar 09, 2023
What is a cacao heart opening ceremony?
At its core, a cacao ceremony is any sort of ceremony in which a cacao beverage is consumed to elevate the spiritual ritual(s) being practiced.
The cacao used in these ceremonies is chocolate in its purest form. Cacao beans or seeds come from the fruit of the cacao tree and have a distinctly bitter flavor. They're also packed full of nutrients, making cacao a superfood that has been used in ceremonies dating back to the Mayans and Aztecs. Today, the bitter bean has made its way from Latin America to many corners of the world for casual sipping ceremonies.
What exactly is cacao and how does it make you feel?
Cacao is rich pure chocolate. While cacao is most definitely stimulating, it's not considered a psychedelic. Its effects are fairly mild, even in the higher doses that you might drink in a ceremony. It is completely legal to purchase, and shouldn't cause any adverse side effects (though those who are on antidepressants, particularly MAOIs and some SSRIs, will want to talk to their doctor before trying it). It is advised not to consume any other caffeine on the same day.
As for how it works, cacao contains a molecule called theobromine, which is "kind of like a sister molecule to caffeine." Unlike caffeine, however, "its stimulating effects focus more on the blood flow and heart than on the nervous system, so people often experience [cacao] as a more grounded energy source than caffeine. Hence the heart-opening reputation.
How I personally would describe it is: Sipping cacao is incredibly energising but unlike coffee making you feel awake, cacao has the effect of making you feel warm and loving.
I am excited to announce The Wild Woman Inner Tribe Spring equinox retreat & our up-and-coming monthly moon circles we will be using cacao in the ceremony with a forgiveness ceremony and embodiment dance.
Five benefits include:
- It's good for your health.
Cacao is a superfood, high in antioxidants, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B its great for heart health and blood oxygenation.
- It elevates pleasure.
With more blood flowing, there's more oxygenation happening in the body and we're more sensitive to touch. It heightens the senses which increase your pleasure, dancing singing and physical touch are heightened after drinking
- It can help you focus.
The stimulating effects of cacao can help people focus longer and deeper on the spiritual practice of the ceremony, like an extended meditation for example. (As anyone who's ever struggled to sit through meditation it can increase time to tune into the inner world and out of the ego.)
- It's heart-opening.
Because of the way the theobromine significantly increases blood flow, people often experience a heart-opening sensation after drinking cacao. "It's easier to be vulnerable, drop your guard, release and surrender feelings that are blocking love, intuition, and self-nurturing.)
Reserve your space on Saturday the 11th of March HERE
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