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The reason you’re blocked from money is due to the way you learnt to love!

attachment styles financial blocks limiting beliefs soul awakened business Jan 22, 2023

The reason you’re blocked from money is due to the way you learnt to love! 


This year I pivoted my business to focus on supporting female soul-awakened company owners to scale their businesses in a way that connects deeply to their divine feminine, whilst leaning into their divine masculine for structure, abundance and strength. 


Over my time as a spiritual empowerment & embodiment coach, the biggest block I see with my clients comes from the way they've learned how to receive love. This shows up in relationships through giving too much and not feeling good enough on a subconscious level, usually attracting emotionally unavailable, toxic partners. It also shows up in business through undervaluing services leaving them feeling deflated, drained and dismissed. 


In business, sales are the engine and marketing is the fuel; without them both working well you’re going nowhere fast. The problem I see is that women are excited to get qualified in elevating the world with the amazing gifts that they will be offering with their services; then they feel deflated because they have no clue how to sell their services. The way they've learned love as a child was detached, conditional, or toxic. Unconsciously there are many reasons why you feel blocked when it comes to asking your potential client for a money exchange. 


Some of these reasons are listed here:


  • Fear of rejection and the feeling of wanting to be liked is clouding you from asking what you know you are worth. 
  • Fear of judgment not wanting to seem ‘too much’ again this usually stems from. 
  • Money blocks wanting to help others over helping yourself, not knowing how to place boundaries around your time and energy. 
  • Feeling like an imposter again this is linked into self worth and self belif, usually linked to parents conditional love. 
  • Procrastination, fear that success will mean you will have to let someone down or their thoughts of you when you become successful. (*How will I be useful in this relationship dynamic is usually a block that is uncovered here.) 
  • Overgiving to prove that they are worthy of money (*aka the energy exchange) learned from parents that have a reward based parenting style and conditioned love if you behave in the way I want you to, even if its not who you are, then I will love you unconditionally. 

The great news is that these conditionings are learned behavior that can be unlearned . Your business is supposed to be thriving and you’re supposed to sell with ease, when you learn to stop projecting your conditioning onto your community (audiance or potential clients.)


If you are nodding your head reading this article, I would love to invite you to my low-commitment workshop The Creatrix of soulful selling at just £22 depending on when you read this. It’s a live workshop on the 25th of January at 10am GMT, where I will be able to answer questions you have about your business and how you can learn to love selling. Outside of that it will become a self study with a bundle of workshops on how to build a business with the confidence and mindset that will help you to stand out as an authority in your sector. 


Also this podcast links into this topic Did you know how you do relationships is how you do money too!


Lets connect over on socials if you have any questions.

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