Why is the ancient practice of shamanic women’s circles on the rise?
Jan 07, 2023
Women’s circles are an ancient tradition that has survived society’s pressures to quiet females' voices. They were once part of society's norm. Women in the village would come together to heal, create & nurture each other.
It was banned in England throughout the 16th and 17th centuries due to suspicion of witchcraft when it was at its height. In England and other nations across Europe, there were trials and executions of suspected witches, including in Oxford. Hundreds died in England as a result.
Any woman that was outspoken had their own views or wanted to use an holistic approach was branded a witch, and the punishment was death. This is why many women still feel the need to suppress their spiritual or holistic interests even in our modern world today. Something we explore inside ‘The Wild Woman Inner Tribe’ membership community. A place facilitator Laura Beddoe hosts regular moon ceremonies and teachings of the ancient ways combined with her ability to help soul-awakened women the art of living in alignment and unlocking their full potential.
Thankfully, we are currently experiencing a feminine-rising movement that is fueling women everywhere as moon circles and women’s gatherings become a mainstream trend, regardless of one’s spiritual beliefs or personal practices.
We are finding our voice and becoming more authentic, listening to one another’s stories without judgment, and experiencing a deep remembrance of where we came from. We are healing amidst a scrolling culture of reality TV that broadcasts a disheartening imbalance of the feminine – filled with comparison, competition, and gossip.
Fortunately, the circle has reemerged. Women are coming back to their intuition, remembering they are here to nurture and provide love, most importantly to themselves.
A crucial part of the process is setting yourself up in a space that feels warm and welcoming, replete with blankets, candles, and herbal tea. The ceremony often begins with the symbolic lighting of a candle, which is then extinguished at the end of the session, marking a return to the real world. The contents of women’s groups vary from spiritual, shamanic, or pagan themes but there’s one uniform golden rule: whatever’s shared in the circle, stays in the circle.
This ancient tradition is back on the rise it is no wonder that women are seeking authentic connections and many are reporting spiritual awakenings during or post-pandemic.
Essentially, a women’s circle does what it says on the tin: it’s a gathering of women (often, non-binary people are welcome too), organised by women. Traditionally planned to coincide with the full moon thanks to the connections with menstruation and the lunar calendar, women’s circles offer a space to be heard and supportive, free from judgment.
Proven to release the old thought patterns, release and renew. All needed to align to a lifestyle that is connected with ‘your truth’
I have seen with my own eyes over and over how attending regular circles gives women a better sense of self, and empowerment and learning the power of the divine feminine and masculine which means taking back your divine sovereignty (aka your own infinite power, to create your own reality.)
Manifestation isn't for special people it's for anyone that believes in the power of their own mind and laws of energy.
The Wild Woman Inner Tribe Experience will be held in a beautiful countryside yurt this up and coming Spring Equinox. Where you will be held in a circle throughout the entire day surrounded by like-minded women that are looking to step away from their busy to-do lists and tap directly into their soul path.
Check it out HERE
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